Monday 7 November 2016

Is Content Marketing The Same As SEO?

Producing great content and increasing your rankings in Google often seemed at odds. Now, hear me out before you close this tab. Everyone wants to rank higher in Google, but not everyone is willing to put in the work. To paraphrase the great Ronnie Coleman, “Everyone wants to be a body builder, but nobody wants to lift the heavy weight!”. If you are not currently publishing content on a consistent basis, you probably think that content marketing is a headache. I mean, who wants to come up with a content schedule, publish several times a week, and promote it on social media as well as through email outreach? Successful people do! I have had decision-makers ask me,”Can’t you just rank me?”. Well, yes. But that would involve some gray or black hat techniques that will not be best for the long term viability of your website. Content marketing, and body building have some important things in common. Both require dedication. Both require persistence and consistency- doing many of the same things over and over to get lasting, positive results. . If you are a consultant, your job is to show the decision-maker that producing valuable content and using outreach to promote that is the way forward to success in Organic SEO. Larger, well-established brands may already have an “authority website“. One of the benefits of having an authority website, is that when you have a new post, it will usually be read and shared by your existing audience. That post can and (most likely) will start ranking in Google. Just look at SEJ, and the posts that are on the front page. Those posts typically have several hundred, to several thousands of social shares and get linked to quite regularly as a trusted authority. In smaller organizations with less red tape it can be much easier to get the necessary buy in for content marketing. When you have one or two decision makers in a small business, you can pivot and adapt rather quickly to take advantage of new trends. Larger businesses with a board of directors often are much slower moving when changes need to happen. When working with an outside digital marketing agency or content marketing group, large companies (the established brand) often have a digital marketing coordinator who runs a team of people themselves. Often a consultant will encounter some push back from the in-house group, as no one really likes “handing over” control of the group, or r told there’s a better way. But, if everyone works together in these large groups some amazing things can happen. One of the massive benefits of working with an established brand is they often have content creators already on staff. Content creators can be writers (bloggers) or social media people who produce Instagram and Facebook posts for organic reach and paid ads. They already know the brand’s voice and can, with relative ease, take the suggestions of the consultant group to reach a large audience and achieve higher rankings […]

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